SESSION 1 – How to target net zero
Thursday, 27 January 2022:  09:30 — 13:00 CET

09:30  Welcome
09:35Keynote – “Evaluating the European effort to take the lead on smart grids technologies”Christian Buchel, Chair, E.DSO; Executive Board Member, Director for Customers, Markets and Territories, Enedis
09:50Keynote – “Combining sustainability and grid development”Antonio Cammisecra, Head, Enel Global Infrastructure and Networks
10:05Reactions from the panel Moderated by Roberto Zangrandi, Secretary General, E.DSO

Japan: Ohsei Ikeda, Chief Engineer, Tokyo Electric Power Grid
India: Ganesh Srinivasan, CEO, Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited
Korea: Dr. Chang-Hoon Shin, Head of Distribution Lab, Kepco
China: Yuwei Shang, Senior Engineer and Deputy Director of intelligent operation and maintenance technology research department, Center of Power Distribution Technology, China Electric Power Research Institute
11:20Keynotes, panel and public debate
12:50Concluding Remarks – “Vision and support from the IEA”
Laura Cozzi, Chief Energy Modeler, IEA

SESSION 2 – Coupling resilience with grid modernization and expanding prosumers market 
Thursday, 27 January 2022:  16:00 — 19:30 CET 

16:00  Welcome
16:05Keynote – ”A word from Europe”Torsten Knop, Vice-Chair Policy and Regulation Committee, E.DSO; European Regulation, E.ON
16:15Keynote – “The weight of resilience on the investments”Kelly Speakes-Backman, Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, US Department of Energy
16:25Keynote – “Combining mature and rapidly expanding grids in two continents”Juan Rios, Global Planning and Regulation Director, Iberdrola Group
16:35Reactions from the panelModerated by Mark McGranaghan, Fellow, EPRI

North America:
Lawrence Jones, Vice President, International Programs, Edison Electric Institute
Vishal Patel, Principal Manager, Integrated System Analysis, Southern California Edison
Paul Gogan, Director, WEC Energy Group
Matt Ketschke, President, Con Edison

South America:
Ramon Castañeda, President, ADELAT
José Ferrari Careto, Vice-Chair, E.DSO; CEO, E-Redes
Alvaro Villasante, VP Business Management & Innovation, Grupo Energia Bogota (GEB)
17:50Keynotes, panel and public debate
19:20Concluding Remarks – “Connecting the dots: where we stand now”
Kristian Ruby, Secretary General, Eurelectric

SESSION 3 – Watching the Mediterranean coasts and southwards
Friday, 28 January 2022: 10:00 – 13:00 CET

10:00  Welcome
10:05Recap of Sessions 1 & 2Roberto Zangrandi, Secretary General, E.DSO
10:15Keynote – “Shaping the curve and fostering the largest need of distributed electricity” Vincenzo Ranieri, President, EU DSO Entity
10:25Keynote – “Challenges and opportunities for urban and peri-urban electricity provision”Roberto Vigotti, Secretary General, RES for Africa
10:35Reactions from the panelModerated by Claire Volkwyn, Head of Content, Vuka Group

Kurt Dedekind, Planning Manager, ESKOM Durban
South Africa: Monde Bala, Group Executive Distribution, ESKOM
Claudio Pedretti, President, Alliance for Rural Electrification
Morocco: Gunnar Lorenz, Energy Policy Consultant
11:20Keynotes, panel and public debate
12:50Concluding Remarks
Domenico Rosa, Head of Unit Strategic Partnerships with Africa and with the ACP (INTPA.A.1), DG International Partnerships, European Commission